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About Us
Inclusion Ventures was set up as a response to concerns about vulnerable young people on the Percy King Estate. At that time the estate was very run down and incidence of youth crime was unusually high. Outreach work led to a realisation that young people were involved in anti-social behaviour, and specifically criminal damage of the community centre, as a result of feeling excluded.

In 2002 we opened the doors of our drop-in session and welcomed in the first of many young people to engage in our project.
Some of our young people experience discrimination, and exclusion as a result of poor reputations due to past behaviours, or simply because of the location in which they live. Lacking the confidence to take control of their lives, these young people are at risk of spiralling into negative behaviourial patterns with little hope or aspiration. This is further exacerbated if family life is strained, and education feels a struggle.
If they feel undervalued it is often difficult for young people to feel empathy for others which can lead to anti social attitudes, and criminal behavior. In opening the drop-ins we gave the young people something to take ownership of and gain a sense of belonging.
We offer young people a specialised staff team that understand the underlying issues that lead young people to challenge. With respect and trust, we gradually encourage them to understand the responsibility that goes hand in hand with their rights.
We include young people in decision making and have a commitment to community based solutions.
Young people are provided with a safe envirionment and interesting activities that they can take pride in. Inclusion Ventures offers opportunities for our young people to become responsible members of their community. We support education, develop health and wellbeing, and increase aspiration.
Our relationships with other local organisations enable us to liaise and provide a broad range of support.
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