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Privacy Statement

We are committed to the safety and well-being of the children and young people, staff and communities that we work with.

That includes how we protect your personal data. As you will understand there is certain information we need to obtain and retain about the children and young people we work with their safety in mind.  Our registration forms ask for personal details including address, date of birth emergency numbers and medical information. This is to ensure that if a child is in need of urgent medical attention we are able to alert emergency contacts the rare case that we are unable to make contact, we have relevant information for the emergency services. It is parent’/carers responsibility to ensure emergency contact details are updated with us as soon as possible if changes arise.

Additionally we require information about medical conditions or allergies and additional physical or learning needs to ensure not only the safety of your child but also to uphold dignity and confidence. This personal information is kept securely in our office and on our database which is on encrypted devices,  with restricted access by nominated staff.  All staff, volunteers and trustees have signed an agreement to comply with a strict confidentiality policy which can be viewed on receipt of a written request.

Parents/carers and/or young people, depending their age, reserve the right to request to see any information we keep on file about them. Requests must be made in which will be responded to within 7 days.

As professionals we are also legally responsible for ensuring sound child protection and safeguarding policies. This means that if we have concerns about your child’s welfare and become aware that they are at risk of harm, or harming others we have a professional obligation to report our concerns to other organisations such as Social Care or the Police or Schools. If we do need take this action we will discuss with the child/young person and where appropriate parent/carer  who we will be talking to and why so that the purpose is clear. We will also where possible, keep you updated of this process and the relevant professionals that become involved so that you are fully aware.

If you have any concerns or comments regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact the Inclusion Ventures staff team on 01255 688685 or via the Contact page.

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